In organizations, purchases and expenses often need to be formally approved before they can be paid or reimbursed. Many organizations create specific approval processes or workflows that dictate how costs should be approved (or rejected) to save time and ensure standardization.
Implementing an Envoice approval workflow can standardize an organization’s internal processes and also save time by creating a dependable, repeatable system.
At Envoice you can run manual approval workflows where employees select approvers manually to each purchase or expense document or apply an automated approval process where approvers are predefined according to the supplier.
Automatic alerts and notifications: Envoice automatically sends alerts and notifications about the need for reviewing or approving a document expedites the workflow. Documents may have to go through multiple rounds of edits before they are approved, so notifications can ensure that items are accomplished quickly and that everyone is aware of the current status. Also, each user gets daily summary by email of the pending approvals. In this email, the pending documents are summarized by the due date.
Record/Log: Having a record of every step in the approval process is one of its greatest benefits for increasing transparency and ensuring consistency. In the Approval log, you are able to view user history. See who has made changes, to what, and when.