Once you’ve submitted a document to Envoice, it will be processed and presented in the Envoice.
You can then publish the item to QuickBooks Online by pressing the ‘Publish’ button beside the document.
Purchase documents can be published to expenses in QuickBooks Online as a:
- Bill
- Expense
- Cheque
How to change the publishing destination?
Envoice will publish your documents depending on the selected payment method. Each payment method can have different a publishing destination.
The payment method in Envoice with type Bank Transfer will always be published as a bill. The Check will published as a Cheque in QuickBooks. Cash and Credit Card types can be published as expenses with corresponding payment account (bank account) defined in payment method settings.
If you create a new payment method, please choose the correct payment method type in Envoice according to the information above.
You can change the bank account (payment account) of the payment method:
- Login to Envoice
- Go to Settings - Bookkeeping - Payment Methods
- Open payment method and change the Publish To. In case you selected Bank Transaction, please select a bank account.
- Click Save
Now the payment method has a new publishing destination and document with the payment method will be published correspondingly.
Learn more about payment methods and linking them to your accounting software
Enabling Customer/Project Tracking for Expenses
By default, Envoice does not enable tracking for the Customer (or Project when enabled for QuickBooks Online). To enable this feature, follow these steps:
- Login to Envoice.
- Go to Settings - Integrations and click on the active QuickBooks Online integration.
- Turn on Enable Customer/Project Tracking and click Save.
- Go to Settings - Bookkeeping - Dimension Groups and click Sync.
- After syncing, you can select a customer/project for invoice line items.
To disable customer/project tracking for expense line items, follow the same steps and turn off the Enable Customer/Project Tracking option.