The Invoice Inbox is a feature of Envoice that allows submitting invoices via email.
You have several options, how to manage your incoming invoices.
1. Auto-forward your invoices
If you are pretty sure that majority of your supplier invoices meet the requirements of email submissions, you can set up an auto-forward rule in your company email inbox settings, to automatically forward invoices directly to your Invoice Inbox address.
2. Share Invoice Inbox address to your suppliers
If you know that only some of your suppliers are sending acceptable invoices, you can share your Envoice Invoice Inbox address to them.
3. Manually forward your invoices
You can always keep control of the invoice flow and forward invoices to Envoice manually from your company's invoice mailbox.
If the received email does not meet the criteria of Invoice Inbox, we will reject the email and send the notification to your bounce email address.
The bounce email can be changed in Settings > General > Company settings > Accountant's email