An expense represents money you spend out of your pocket, with the ultimate target of generating revenue for your organization. Whenever you spend money from your account, you can record them in Envoice and claim back from your employer.
Envoice allows you to record several types of expenses. One would be the regular business expense and the other one is travel expense. Mileage reimbursement can be reported within both types of reports.
Create and submit a new expense report
1. Create a report
Go to Reports > My Expenses > Create new > select Expense report (or Travel Expense report)
2. Fill details
Enter expense report details and click Save
After saving the draft, your report will be also viewable and editable from the mobile app
3. Add your expenses
Click on the + Add Expense button. You can add multiple receipts in a single expense claim.
- Select receipts from your receipts wall (previously submitted or receipts captured with mobile app)
- Upload from your computer
- Submit within the mobile app
4. Review your expenses
Open the expense, review and fill out any missing information (category, reimbursable amount) and click Save
5. Submit expense report
To forward the report to Accounting Review, click Submit.
Note: If your company is using an approval workflow, you need to add approvers before submitting an expense report. Click on "Add approver", select the approver(s) from the list, and click "Assign workflow".
If you need to make changes to a submitted expense report, you can recall it and send it back to the Drafts folder for further editing.